Friday, 15 January 2021

The Anything BoxThe Anything Box by Zenna Henderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have loved these stories since the first time I encountered one of them in an anthology when I was about 10. Eventually, I found and bought all Zenna Henderson's books. She didn't write many.
Her stories touch on wonder and sometimes horror. They usually centre around children and how they can do things becaue they don't know they're impossible.
The child with an invisible box that shows heart's delight. The boy who can make his truck just follow him but as he grows and is taught what is impossible, he loses the abilty and forgets. The teacher who shows her children how to experience disaster and difficulty and move on, but most of them only learn part of the lesson, the fish that can cure jealousy, the pretend sound-eater that becomes very real, the child trying to prevent a disaster who fails because an adult doesn't believe.

If you haven't read anything by Zenna Henderson. Remedy it immediately, and rediscover the wondr of a child, and the sadness.

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